Communal heating is exactly as it sounds: a boiler, which Syrus Energy neatly house at an agreed location that provides heat for entire developments through a network of heating pipes. Communal heating does away with electric heaters (or individual boilers). Instead, residents have hot water piped directly into their homes from a much more efficient, shared boiler. You do not need to have an existing gas supply on site.
Communal heating networks can be installed for relatively small systems serving anything from 50 apartments, expanding into the thousands. A typical Communal heating installation consists of a highly insulated ‘heat main’ of flow and return pipes, which circulates hot water (or steam) past all the buildings or apartment blocks which might be connected. Junction points on the mains at each building allow easy connection at any time, allowing the heating medium to reach a heat exchanger combined with an energy meter within each property. Our meters ensure residents only pay for the energy they use.
The government is trying to increase the number of households connected to Communal heating networks. The Department for Environment and Climate Change (DECC) would like to see the number of connected properties increased from 2% (just under 200,000 nationwide) to 20% by 2030 and 40% by 2050.